Amadeo Martí Carbonell S.A. is a family business specializing in the design, casting and machining of high-precision aluminum parts, as well as the machining of iron parts.
The letters AMC correspond to the name of its founder, Amadeo Martí Carbonell, who founded the company in 1958, beginning the manufacture and sale of different parts for the automotive industry within the IAM (Independent Aftermarket).
The development of the foundry began in the 70s along with the machining of engine cylinder heads, a sector in which AMC has achieved international prestige.
At present, AMC provides a global solution to its customers since it has the internal capacity to design, cast and machine aluminum parts for both the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and the OES (Original Equipment Supplier) markets.
The company's headquarters are located on the east coast of Spain, in the province of Castellón, 300 kms south of Barcelona and 40 kms north of the Valencia airport. Amadeo Martí Carbonell S.A. has industrial facilities that occupy more than 44,500 square metres, which include the most up-to-date technological and production methods on the market.
AMC specializes in the casting and machining of aluminum parts for the automotive industry. AMC's main product focuses on the upper part of the engine: cylinder heads for diesel engines (light and heavy) and petrol engines.
In addition to production runs, AMC has the capability of making prototypes using 3D technology, thereby being able to offer the customer a complete solution from the concept of the piece to the finished product.
The quality of all AMC products has made our company a worldwide point of reference, with our vocation being customer satisfaction.
In addition to mass production, AMC has the necessary technology, aimed primarily at the OEM market, to make prototypes using 3D designs, printing these designs in sand and offering the customer an integral solution to move from the conception of the piece to the finished product.
The quality of all of AMC’s products means our company has set a global benchmark.
AMC is renowned in its business sector, the casting and machining of complex aluminum parts, in terms of quality, competitiveness, and service to its customers, bringing to them the most advanced methods and technologies on the market.
The experience accumulated over more than four decades in casting, together with the continuous expansion of our product range and the training of highly qualified personnel, has allowed us to reach a position of worldwide renown in the manufacture of cylinder heads for combustion engines and other complex geometry components in both aluminum and iron.
The total integration of our processes allows us to offer the design of a piece, the execution of its prototypes and its mass production.
100% of the process is developed in AMC in accordance with various international standards, thus providing the client with a complete solution adapted to their needs.
This integration of internal processes reduces delivery times and guarantees the required level of quality.
“Being the best means knowing how to respond to the needs of customers, partners, workers and society in general”
Emilio Martí Carbonell
A. Martí
Chief Executive Officer
Dir. Operations (COO)
S. Martí
Dir. Marketing & Sales
Business Development
E. Tripiana
Dir. Engineering
IATF 16949:2016 is a certification with a strong orientation towards the customer and their requirements and expectations. Notified bodies, auditors, suppliers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) participated in and provided information for this review, and it includes the specific requirements of the automotive sector.
Set of standards on quality and quality management, established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 9000 specifies the way in which an organization operates its quality standards, delivery times and service levels.
Set of international standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which expresses how to establish an effective and environmentally-friendly Environmental Management System (EMS), allowing a sustainable development of industrial activity.
This is an international standard issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and describes how to manage information security in a company.
The fundamental objective of the Environmental Policy of AMC S.A. is to consolidate leadership in the production and supply of automotive spare parts at competitive prices and in outstanding conditions of safety and reliability of use, developing an optimal production system, based on respect for the environment and the preservation of the natural world. The growth of AMC S.A. must be sustainable in order to take care of our future and that of our neighbours.
Proyecto cofinanciado por los fondos FEDER, dentro del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunidad Valenciana 2014-2020.
El Instituto Valenciano de Economía y Competitividad (IVACE), and the European Regional Development Fund have granted financing to AMADEO MARTÍ CARBONELL, SA, within the program "DIGITALIZA-CV 2020- SUBSIDIES FOR DIGITALIZATION PROJECTS OF SMEs 2020", for development of the project with File No..- IMDIGA / 2020 / 168.- "Diagnosis, development and implementation of sensorization and process control of the foundry section.
Proyecto acogido al programa de incentivos ligados al autoconsumo y almacenamiento, con fuentes de energía renovable, así como a la implantación de sistemas térmicos renovables en el sector residencial en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, financiado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU
Beneficiario:Amadeo Martí Carbonell, SA
Componente (C7:|1):Actuación de Autoconsumo de Energía Renovable
Inversión total: 201.378,75 Euros
Importe de la ayuda:50.346,94 Euros
Potencia (kW):330 kW
Real Decreto 447/2021
Enlace al plan estratégico del proyecto
Cofinanciado por la Unión Europea a través del Programa Operativo del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020, como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia CODIV-19.